Yuri, Beautiful Experiences with Gde/Ratu in The Ashram

Om swastiastu, I would like to share my beautiful experiences with Gde/Ratu in the ashram.

It was so amazing to be back in the ashram after 4 years. Everything looked so beautiful and alive and the new temple is amazing! 

I didn’t really know Gde from before and I was curious to meet him. So when he came to the ashram for the new statue I went over to greet him. After he gave me a hug my body started moving like with Ratu. I couldn’t sit still anymore and got swept away by the energy. It felt so natural and easy, I didn’t have to do anything. With the drums they brought, resounding Mother Earth, it felt mystical and very strong grounding energy!

Gde was explaining about how the energy works in our own individual way with each one of us. It felt not like Gde was talking, but something bigger.

My mind cannot grasp it, but my body just moved.

That night I had a dream where Ratu appeared and He told me that He had resurrected, like Jesus. He also said it took some time to do this.

A few days later it was the birthday celebration. Walking with the Barongs and the drums around the ashram was really beautiful and fun! When Gde did the puja for Ratu’s statue en the arati he seemed so happy! After we could get a hug and it felt so sweet and strong it threw me into a spin. Whenever I tuned into Gde/Ratu my body reacted with strong movements. It feels so sweet and humble when He is there! I felt really grateful!

A few days later was the Lakshmi ceremony with a fire ceremony. As soon as I sat down my body started vibrating. He gave an ash blessing on the forehead and I could hardly keep still so he could put it there. When He walked around I felt my body moving in the direction He went, like a compass.

On my last day I went to Buruan on the way to the airport. I felt the fire burning inside during the shake and rising when He was giving energy to the group. 

When He stopped the shake and everybody was singing goodbye when I had to leave I felt deeply touched and embraced by Him and the community! 

I feel so grateful for these magical experiences, for Ratu/Gde and our shaking family! Thank you thank you thank you!! OSRB 🥰❤🙏

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